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Human resources (HR) outsourcing and employment law advice

HR provides a complex but pivotal challenge for all employers. When working with Buzzacott HR Consultancy, your people become our people, unlocking efficiency, compliance, and employee satisfaction.
Outsourced human resources services and support

Outsourced human resources services and support

Every organisation is unique, priorities across our breadth of clients differ and we respond accordingly. Our service is built on two pillars, HR Compliance and HR Management, and is structured to provide everything from comprehensive, all-encompassing HR support, where our team will act as your outsourced HR department, to ad-hoc, one-off support. We are flexible in the way that we deliver our service, and our solutions can be used individually or combined with others and scaled up or down as your needs change. This allows us to work with you in a way that meets as your needs as you evolve, rather than being constrained by the one size fits all approach. Whether that’s supplying template employment contracts and employee handbooks or supporting with background checks and other employee management needs, our service can be customised to suit your needs.

HR set up

HR compliance

Here to support you with setting up a human resources (HR) function (providing HR policies and procedures, employee handbooks and HR toolkits) as well as reviewing existing functions and policies through HR audits and compliance support. Our HR compliance service ensures your business or not-for-profit organisation starts life and continues on the right foot with effective and compliant HR processes and procedures.

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Ongoing HR support

HR management

Covering everything from recruitment and onboarding to employee relations and performance management, as well as specialist HR support including HR strategy, change management processes, L&D, EDI reporting and more. This service is here to help you recruit, build, and retain the talent you need to support your organisation's continued growth and success by allowing you to benefit from experienced practitioners when you need it.

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Whether you’re a charity or not-for-profit organisation , start-up or rapidly growing business or financial services organisation, our HR experts have the expertise to support the individual needs of your organisation. They support clients of all sizes and sectors. Their work takes them to small, medium, and large organisations. As well as with both established organisations and start-ups. The only criteria is that you are an employer – whether it be for one person or for hundreds. 

Fully optimise your HR Function today

Ensure your HR practices are up-to-date with our latest tool. Our new HR Checklist helps you identify gaps in key areas like employment contracts, policies, and record-keeping, so you can stay compliant and efficient.

Download our checklist here

Meet your outsourced HR team

Meet your human resources team

Let our team be your team. Our HR experts have sound knowledge of human resources and employment law as well as hands on, practical experience. We are here to help and advise you on all aspects of human resources and employment law.  Depending on your requirements, they can either supplement your existing HR provision or can also take over your entire HR function, enabling you to focus elsewhere without distraction.


Sarah Dalton

Head of HR Consultancy

View Sarah's bio


Dipti Hirani

HR Manager

View Dipti's bio

Luisa Steidele 

HR Consultant

View Luisa's bio

The benefits of outsourcing HR services

The benefits of outsourcing HR functions

From processes and procedures to systems and strategies, our team can help you overcome any HR issues you might have. Discover the benefits of outsourcing HR for your organisation.

Why is HR consulting essential for growing organisations?

As a small and/or growing organisation, your focus is on sustained growth. Dealing with HR and people issues can be timely and expensive (especially if things go wrong), and therefore, having an outsourced team you can trust can be vital, especially in those early days. From providing a full and compliant HR set-up (including contracts and handbooks) to helping you recruit and retain staff aligned with your mission, we're here to help. 

Will I have a dedicated outsourced HR support advisor?

You can meet our HR Consultancy team above. When working with Buzzacott, you’ll have a dedicated HR account manager, backed by the experience of the HR Consultancy team and the 500+ experts that work at Buzzacott. This means you’ll not only have access to HR experts, but if required, we can support you with payroll, company secretarial, benefits and pensions and more, providing you with a complete outsourced solution. 

What is an outsourced HR function, and how can it benefit my company?

An outsourced HR function is a team like ours, working with, but separate from your organisation to provide the HR services required to ensure compliance with the latest employment law and legislation. The benefits of working with Buzzacott’s outsourced HR consultancy services are numerous and include:

  • Cost savings: we’re here when you need us and only then, meaning you have access to expert advice and support but only pay when you need it, rather than shouldering the cost of an annual salary. Working with verified HR experts (all of our staff are members of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) means we’ll help you optimise processes, and by ensuring compliance, we’ll protect you from costly fines and penalties.
  • Time savings: dealing with people can be time-consuming, especially if situations are mishandled. As a small or new charity or business, you’ll want to ensure your employees are looked after, but may not have the resources to dedicate to it – that’s where we come in, we’ll treat your employees as if they were our own, freeing up your time to focus on other elements of your organisation. 
  • Access to expert advice: as a client of Buzzacott, we’ll ensure you’re kept abreast of the latest updates and developments in employment law and legislation so you can ensure your organisation is compliant.
  • We can grow with you: there are moments in every organisation’s journey where the pace of change outmatches the resources available, and that can lead to temporary inefficiencies while you work to evolve processes and recruit additional staff. Our team can work with existing HR teams to provide a helping hand when required, whether that’s supporting by reviewing compliance processes or assisting with company restructures.

What measures are in place to ensure the confidentiality and security of sensitive HR information?

We adhere to strict confidentiality and compliance processes, and any sensitive HR information provided to us is stored securely. Wherever possible, when sharing information with our clients, a secure online sharing platform is utilised. We keep all our files and other documentation relating to your affairs for a reasonable period which in no case will exceed seven years, in line with current data protection legislation. 

How does outsourced HR support enhance employee management and development?

As a charity leader, business owner or manager, while employees will always be at the forefront of your mind, we understand that there are lots of pressures on your time, and that’s where our service can support you. We’ll do the heavy lifting of employee management, ensuring they’re supported (whether that’s through training and development, providing benefits and pensions and more). We can also support you with the tougher side of employee management and have those difficult conversations about change management, restructuring and redundancy. As your outsourced HR team, we can support you in putting your employees first, maximising their satisfaction, productivity and development.

Contact the team
Get in touch

If your organisation needs HR support or advice and could benefit from the expertise of our outsourced HR experts, simply complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch with you.

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