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HR Checklist

Whether you’re establishing a new business or refining your existing HR practices, evaluating your HR policies, processes and procedures is the crucial first step in identifying your organisations current and future HR needs. To help you fully optimise your HR function, we’ve created a comprehensive HR checklist. 

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This tool covers five key areas of the HR lifecycle: 

  • Written statement of employment particulars (employment contracts) 
  • Pre-employment checks
  • HR policies 
  • Health & Safety 
  • Recording Keeping

Designed for business owners, managers and HR professionals, our checklist offers a simple yet effective way to pinpoint areas of improvement and identify compliance gaps. 

Follow-up support: Expert evaluation and guidance

Once the checklist is completed, we offer a complimentary evaluation to review your results in detail. Whether you need help implementing best practices or navigating complex regulations and compliance requirements, our expert team will provide tailored recommendations to streamline your HR processes and support long term success. Find out more about our HR Consultancy services today.

Download our HR Checklist today by filling out the form below
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