It attempts to set out the requirements for effective financial governance and management of funds, so that trusts meet the public standard of accountability while not compromising too much of the financial freedoms which they need over their day-to-day operations. The Handbook covers six main areas which are:
Since its inception in 2012 the guidance has been re-issued every year with changes made by the ESFA in response to sector developments and trusts’ experiences. The changes to the 2019 edition, as set out below, reflect the ESFA’s increasing emphasis on the importance of strong financial control and governance. See an extract of the article below:
You + Us = More. More support. More advice. More understanding.
Over the years, our academy specialists have helped over 100 clients at every level – from stand-alone primary and secondary schools to national multi-academy trusts. So, you can rely on our help to satisfy governance, financial and HR requirements all year round.
Join forces with our sector experts, and you won’t have to worry about ticking those audit and accounting boxes on time. You’ll also have access to across-the-board training and information, from accounting workshops to technical updates. To top it off, our relationship with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) means you’ll stay primed on the latest regulations.