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Buzzacott Valuations: one year in

The advent of 2024 also marks the first anniversary of the specialist Valuations team at Buzzacott. David Stears, Head of the Valuations team, reflects on an exciting inaugural year for the team.
The journey

The journey

The very beginning of 2023 marked the beginning of my career here at Buzzacott. Having met on a number of occasions with Matt Katz, who heads up the Corporate Finance specialism here, and a number of other (now) colleagues, I knew that the firm was exactly the right fit in terms of the potential to build a meaningful Valuation specialism here, the ambition of those key stakeholders to do so, and the culture that would allow me to attract and retain the right talent.

Fortunately, I was not having to go into this venture alone. Shriya Dheir, a Senior Manager at the firm, moved across from our Corporate Tax specialism having been exposed to valuation work in her time there, and we were also joined by Ashleigh Barghuti, an Executive in the Corporate Finance team already, who was also keen to move into the specialism.

So how did we do? Well, for one thing I’m still at the firm, able to write articles such as this, so it can’t have gone too badly…! Truth be told however, we have in fact been going very well indeed. So much so, that in October we were joined by two new faces: Guy Walford, an experienced Senior Manager who has joined us from BDO – via a six-month career break in various exotic and far-flung places, of which I promise I am not remotely jealous of – and Phalguni Soni, an experienced financial analyst who has joined our partner firm in India and complements our Valuations offering. 

There was also one further new face, albeit not (yet?!) as an employee of the Valuations team – as Shriya welcomed a new born boy during the year. We look forward to welcoming Shriya back from maternity leave when she is ready to swap the tantrums and incoherent babbling of her young son, for those of her team leader.

About the author

David Stears

+44 (0)20 7710 3286

The journey

The very beginning of 2023 marked the beginning of my career here at Buzzacott. Having met on a number of occasions with Matt Katz, who heads up the Corporate Finance specialism here, and a number of other (now) colleagues, I knew that the firm was exactly the right fit in terms of the potential to build a meaningful Valuation specialism here, the ambition of those key stakeholders to do so, and the culture that would allow me to attract and retain the right talent.

Fortunately, I was not having to go into this venture alone. Shriya Dheir, a Senior Manager at the firm, moved across from our Corporate Tax specialism having been exposed to valuation work in her time there, and we were also joined by Ashleigh Barghuti, an Executive in the Corporate Finance team already, who was also keen to move into the specialism.

So how did we do? Well, for one thing I’m still at the firm, able to write articles such as this, so it can’t have gone too badly…! Truth be told however, we have in fact been going very well indeed. So much so, that in October we were joined by two new faces: Guy Walford, an experienced Senior Manager who has joined us from BDO – via a six-month career break in various exotic and far-flung places, of which I promise I am not remotely jealous of – and Phalguni Soni, an experienced financial analyst who has joined our partner firm in India and complements our Valuations offering. 

There was also one further new face, albeit not (yet?!) as an employee of the Valuations team – as Shriya welcomed a new born boy during the year. We look forward to welcoming Shriya back from maternity leave when she is ready to swap the tantrums and incoherent babbling of her young son, for those of her team leader.

Key achievements

Key achievements

So what was the plan for the year? Prior to the Valuations team’s inception, any valuation enquiries which came in were very ably handled by the Corporate Finance team’s Mergers & Acquisitions team – however, driven by a desire to both free up the M&A team’s time to focus on deal activity, as well as for the firm to more actively pursue valuation work in its own right, Matt made the call to speak with me and go about creating the specialist team that we have now. And so there was an existing pipeline of enquiries which naturally came through to land on my new desk.

However, having been a specialist valuer for a number of years, I was also very keen to go after more complex and technical work – and also leverage my own network to begin bringing in more work.

I’m very happy to say that, as a team, we have been very effective in being able to accomplish this to date. Amongst the highlights for me personally are the following:

  • The valuation of Management sweet equity issues in support of two large deals
  • Performing Buzzacott’s first valuations of intangible assets, utilising my own prior experience
  • Performing valuations for clients ranging from SMEs holding a handful of properties through to US firms with $3bn of annual revenues, all within the one year

We have also been able to run a number of successful breakfast seminars, on valuation for non-valuers, tax valuations and the valuation of tech companies – all of which were well attended and more than adequately complemented by the delightful pastries on offer at our offices near St Pauls. For those interested in attending similar events in the future (I hear the coffee isn’t bad either) please do reach out to get added to mailing lists!

It’s not just been about the Valuations team operating for its own clients, however. Another hugely important part of our work has been in the way we have been able to complement the Buzzacott audit offering in their audit of fair values on balance sheets: by providing specialist support we feel we have been able to enhance the quality of Buzzacott audits and therefore the comfort that is able to be taken by our clients’ shareholders.

2024 and beyond

2024 and beyond

As our focus switches to 2024 there remain a number of things to be excited about. The arrival of two further new additions to the team is pencilled in for February and March, which (alongside Shriya’s eventual return) will see the team fully staffed for the foreseeable future.

We shall continue to seek out more complex and technical work, particularly with our senior team now in place. This of course will not mean any form of departure from any space in which we already perform valuations however: we are always keen to help out our clients with whatever valuation advice they may need.

And also, as I personally should be able to pull myself away from my desk more, I look forward to the opportunity to spend more time going out to meet with contacts and potential clients – to talk more about our offering, where we can help, and where the best place to get a coffee is near to everyone’s respective offices.

Wishing everyone a happy 2024!

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