Below we have summarised the changes to the Academies Accounts Direction and other guidance relevant to academy trusts’ 2019/20 financial statements. For clarity, we have given references to the full Academies Accounts Direction throughout as well as to the example Coketown model accounts included therein where appropriate.
Note: a further supplementary bulletin covering COVID-19 related matters was released in July 2020 and introduces a small number of additional requirements. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the Accounts Direction and important things to note are:
For larger trusts, there are new elements of statutory reporting required in the trustees’ report arising from The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 (3.1.11 p12):
Again mainly for larger trusts, there are new statutory requirements for streamlined energy and carbon reporting (3.1.25 p16):
The Accounts Direction also makes changes to the governance statement, there is now a requirement for the trust to explain how its audit arrangements are affected by the newly revised FRC Ethical Standard, specifically in relation to internal scrutiny (3.2.11 p19).
Explicit wording in Coketown (p102) clarifies the position and is as follows “The revised FRC Ethical Standard for auditors states that a firm providing external audit to an entity shall not also provide internal audit services to it, subject to transitional arrangements which permit existing audit engagements at 15 March 2020 to conclude.”
Where trusts have reviewed and taken into account guidance in the DfE’s Governance Handbook and competency framework for governance, there is an encouragement that this is explicitly stated.
The 2019-20 Accounts Direction clarifies that instances of irregularity, impropriety or non-compliance noted in this statement and in the reporting accountant’s report on regularity should state the relevant monetary amounts, if known (3.3.2 p20, Annex B 2.18 p150).
Additional clarification surrounding the inclusion of relevant monetary amounts in respect of any modifications is also provided see 4.2.1 p22, Annex B 3.12 p152.
There should now be new lines for legal costs within ‘analysis of support costs’ in charitable activities expenditure note (Coketown p122). Furthermore an introduction of an ‘analysis of changes in net debt’ note to the financial statements is now required to comply with the updated SORP (Coketown p134). There has also been an update to the requirements for the Teachers’ Pension Scheme note to reflect the latest actuarial valuation (Coketown p135).
In addition to the above, further key points to note from this year’s Accounts Direction are:
The most stringent new requirements of this year’s Direction are applicable mainly to larger trusts. Meeting the disclosure requirements of Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Regulations will be onerous for some, and trusts should refer to the ESFA’s established guidance document for advice as to how to go about collating and presenting this data.
The clarification in relation to trust’s internal scrutiny arrangements was as anticipated, and is line with the FRC’s Ethical Standard released earlier this year. Trusts who currently engage their external auditor for their internal scrutiny provision where transitional arrangements do not exist, should think carefully as to how they will meet their internal scrutiny requirements for the 2020/21 financial year.
If you would like to discuss the above changes in the Accounts Direction or any other wider academy sector guidance please get in touch with your usual Buzzacott contact, or simply fill out for the form below and someone will be in touch.