Led by our charity VAT expert Socrates Socratous, this afternoon event took charity trustees and finance managers through a range of case law updates, provided advice on planning for exemptions as well as reviewing the latest updates from HMRC, and looking ahead as to what additional updates are on the horizon.
I attended the VAT update for charities on 24 November. I am not an accountant, but I am a trustee and chair the Finance Committee for St. Joseph’s Hospice. I found the presentation to be interesting and useful and I would encourage all trustees interested in the finances of their charity to attend this and other Buzzacott seminars.
While the professional accountants clearly followed every detail, the style of presentation using current real life cases impacting charities kept me fully engaged throughout the seminar and opened my eyes to issues that may be important for the charities I support. This is the second Buzzacott seminar I have attended, and I will certainly be going to more.
- Peter Pledger
The full agenda for the event was as follows:
1. Case law
2. Exemptions - planning
3. Updates from HMRC
4. Looking ahead - what's to come from HMRC