Key issued explained by the FCA are:
The FCA have also taken this opportunity to remind firms of the following:
"IFPR refocuses prudential requirements and expectations beyond the risks the firm faces, to also consider and look to manage the potential harm the firm itself can pose to consumers and markets.
Under IFPR, firms must hold sufficient financial resources to support on-going activities and wind-down in an orderly manner, as required by the Overall Financial Adequacy Rule (OFAR). Firms are further directed to complete an ICARA process to check whether it complies with the OFAR.
The ICARA process brings together our requirements for business model analysis, stress-testing, recovery planning and actions, and wind-down planning. Through the ICARA process, firms assess their risk of harm and produce reasonable estimates of own funds and liquid assets threshold requirements to mitigate harm. Firms must hold financial resources to meet these requirements at any given time, to comply with the OFAR. The ICARA process may be assessed by our supervisory review evaluation process.
For firms which are part of an investment firm group, an overall group-wide view of risks and harms remains essential in assessing threshold requirements and in managing the financial resources of each individual entity. Without this, the individual entity’s understanding of its risks and the harms from its operation is incomplete.
Under MIFIDPRU, we also set out new guidance on intervention points, the actions we expect of firms in certain situations and what they can expect from us."
Over the past year, we have conducted many independent reviews of regulatory returns and ICARAs which has led to substantial corrections and enhancement of the documents. As much as it has been a learning curve for us, we have developed a wealth of experience in peer-benchmarking and thorough understanding and application of the rules. If you believe a ‘regulatory health check’ could strengthen the quality of your documents, please feel free to contact us.
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