"The judges found that Buzzacott demonstrated many achievements over the last calendar year, most notably the launch of its family office and probate services, significantly enhancing the client offering and experience. Buzzacott also reports on its gender pay gap and uses ED&I surveys and forums. Furthermore, it is committed to supporting charities and raised over £70,000 for the Buzzacott Stuart Defries Memorial Fund in 2021." - eprivateclient
We help private clients to stay up to date with their tax affairs while supporting them with some of the biggest financial decisions they face. This includes tax advice for both UK clients and international clients with a UK connection, and assisting with decisions about investment portfolios, property, running businesses and expatriation. With UK tax, tax investigations, financial planning and US tax expertise under one roof, we're dedicated to providing private clients with a clear picture of their financial affairs, with reliable, jargon-free advice, based on cautious planning.
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