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Last updated: 27 Feb 2025
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2024/25 UK tax year end planning for Americans in the UK

As the 2024/25 UK tax year ends on 5 April 2025, Americans in the UK should seize planning opportunities. The UK's tax landscape continues to evolve, with changes from the 2024 Autumn Budget and potential updates in the 2025 Spring Statement on 26 March.

For US citizens, Green Card holders, and others subject to both US and UK tax systems, careful planning is essential to avoid unnecessary liabilities and ensure compliance with dual reporting obligations.  Below we outline key considerations and strategies for year-end tax planning.

About the author

Rachael Kaye

+44 (0)20 7710 0398

For US citizens, Green Card holders, and others subject to both US and UK tax systems, careful planning is essential to avoid unnecessary liabilities and ensure compliance with dual reporting obligations.  Below we outline key considerations and strategies for year-end tax planning.

Autumn Budget 2024

The 30 October 2024 Budget confirmed sizeable changes to the taxation of non-doms, for income and inheritance tax purposes. 

For income tax purposes, the elimination of the remittance basis regime and the introduction of the four-year Foreign Income and Gains (FIG) regime will come into effect on 6 April 2025. 

Taxpayers who are eligible for the remittance basis in 2024-25, but ineligible for the FIG regime in 2025-26 will want to pay close attention to how they can maximise the remittance basis before 6 April 2025. This could include realising offshore gains, not realising offshore losses, and (where possible) bringing forward offshore income and delaying offshore expenses (such as on a US rental property). 

Conversely, new UK arrivals who will still be within their first four years and have opted for the arising basis – rather than dealing with the complications of the remittance basis - may wish to limit their offshore income and gains until after 5 April 2025, when they can benefit from the new FIG regime. 

Taxpayers who have previously claimed the remittance basis and have unremitted offshore income and gains they wish to bring to the UK, may consider delaying any remittances until after 5 April 2025. This would allow them to benefit from the temporary repatriation facility, the exact details of which remain undecided. 

Anybody who has previously benefitted from the non-dom regime should consider reviewing their worldwide assets and any structures they have in place to ensure that any previous planning is still effective under the new rules. 

Sign up to our ‘US/UK tax’ mailing list to receive our insights on any changes as they’re announced straight to your inbox. 

Opportunities before year end

Opportunities before year end

So, what opportunities can you take advantage of before the end of 2024/25? We’ve summarised a few for you to consider below. Click the banners to view the opportunities and what you should do for each. Click the banner again to close that section.

Pension planning

While UK pension plans are not qualified for US tax purposes, UK pension planning can still be effective at reducing your global tax rate in the short and long term. Please note that particular care needs to be taken if cumulative employee contributions are likely to exceed cumulative employer contributions in the UK, or if pensions are moved or consolidated. 

You should seek US advice, in addition to UK advice, prior to making pension contributions, taking benefits from a plan or making a change to an existing arrangement. With numerous changes to the tax rules regarding UK pensions over the years, it’s also recommended that you seek advice to explore whether you are at the limit for making pension contributions, whereby you can utilise higher rate tax relief.  

For 2024/25, the income threshold at which the annual allowance begins to be tapered is £260,000. If you earn more than £360,000, the annual allowance is capped at the minimum £10,000. All pension contributions in excess of your annual allowance are subject to the annual allowance charge, which effectively claws back the tax relief available on pension contributions. Utilising any unused relief from the three previous years will be important for anybody who is caught by this. 

If you are auto enrolled into a NEST pension by your employer, you should consider whether to ‘opt out’ of the US reporting requirements on this plan outweigh the value of the pension itself. The NEST pension is a trust-based plan and depending on the level of contributions between you and your employer, the NEST pension could be considered a Foreign Grantor Trust resulting in annual US reporting requirements. 

Those who already have an annual Form 3520 and Form 3520-A filing requirement because their UK pension is considered a Foreign Grantor Trust for US purposes should pay attention to the proposed regulations posted by the IRS on 8 May 2024. These proposals indicate that the IRS is looking to exclude certain foreign pensions from this reporting requirement. Whilst the current proposals would not exclude UK pensions, Buzzacott has been involved with the consultation process and continues to monitor this space. 

Notably, the abolition of the pension lifetime allowance took effect on 6 April 2024, although this freedom has become substantially less valuable following the announcement that UK pensions will be included in a taxpayer’s death estate from 6 April 2027. 

What should you do?

Review your existing pension arrangements to check whether you are maximising your tax relief on pension contributions and ensure that you are not exceeding your limits.

Charitable contributions to dual qualified US and UK charities

A donation to a US/UK dual-qualified charity will relieve taxes in both jurisdictions. 

Cash donation

UK tax - You will have the option to Gift Aid the donation so that the UK government tops up the donation by 25%. As long as you have paid enough UK tax to cover the Gift Aid, there will be no clawback. If you’re a higher (40%) or additional (45%) rate taxpayer, you also benefit by extending your basic rate band so that more of your income is taxed at a lower rate.

US tax - Only taxpayers who itemise their deductions will directly benefit from their charitable donations.

Asset donation

UK tax - If you donate assets other than cash, such as appreciated securities or real estate, you will not be subject to UK Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on the disposal. The market value of the land or shares donated to charity is deductible from your general income, providing tax relief of up to 45%.

US tax – You will not be subject to US CGT on the disposal. The market value of the land or shares donated to charity is taken into account as part of your itemised deductions. 

What should you do?

Check the status of the charity to determine if it’s US/UK dual-qualified and keep the receipts relating to your donations. If you’re making significant donations, speak to our tax experts about setting up a dual-qualified Donor Advised Fund.

UK tax-efficient investments

UK tax-advantaged investments rarely have a beneficial impact on ones US tax liability but can still be utilised effectively by dual taxpayers. 

If you have excess foreign tax credits carried over from prior years, Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) or Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) investments can reduce your UK tax bill and also be an effective way to use up these excess foreign tax credits, which are carried forward but have a limited life of 10 years before they are wasted. 

Be aware that Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) and investments commonly found in ISAs are often considered Passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs) for US tax purposes. We do not recommend them if you’re a US taxpayer because PFICs are subject to US anti-avoidance rules that make them tax inefficient.

Cash ISAs are not PFICs, the interest they earn is simply taxed at US income tax rates plus the Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) when due. In some cases, it will be possible to find funds for an ISA that are not PFICs, but the investment options are more restrictive. 

What should you do?

Review your excess foreign tax credit position and determine whether EIS/SEIS investments could help utilise some of these excess credits.

Business Asset Disposal Relief (formally known as Entrepreneurs’ Relief)

If you qualify for Business Asset Disposal (BAD) relief, you will only pay 10% Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on all gains on qualifying assets in the UK, limited to £1million of gains in a lifetime. 

There is no equivalent BAD relief in the US. However, if you undertake careful planning from the outset, whereby you elect for the business to be treated as transparent for US tax purposes, you can obtain a nil US Capital Gains Tax (CGT) position and therefore retain the benefit of a 10% tax rate in the UK, limited to gains of up to £1million in a lifetime. 

Conversely, if no planning is carried out, any gain would attract a US tax rate of 23.8%, being 20% long term CGT plus 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT). Please note that NIIT is not due on the sale of business assets, but it is due on the sale of shares, including those in privately owned companies. 

With the US Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) tax in place since 2018, US owners of foreign businesses should seek advice on how their position is affected by the UK corporation tax rates, which include the main rate on companies with profits over £250,000 being set at 25%. 

What should you do?

If you’re a US owner of a foreign business, you should consider the implications that the 2018 US tax reform has on your global tax bill. There are some additional tax considerations now, such as the GILTI tax, which may make it necessary for you to consider elections that would mean the company is treated as transparent or treated as a US company. There are also a number of other tax mitigation techniques in this realm to consider.

UK Inheritance Tax (IHT)

The figures below show that tax planning around UK IHT can save you up to circa $10million (for a married couple) if you’re not yet fully subject to UK IHT but might become fully subject to UK IHT. Here are the key differences with the UK and US estate tax regimes:

Tax regime Tax rate Estate threshold Threshold for a married couple
UK IHT (2024/25) 40% £325,000 £650,000*
US Estate Tax (2025) 40% $13,990,000 $27,980,000

* the family home allowance may increase this threshold over time up to £1million.

Planning involving trusts to mitigate UK IHT can still work effectively for a US taxpayer. However, with changes to the inheritance tax treatment of offshore trusts for UK resident, non-UK domiciled settlors, the rules will become far more restrictive and heavily reliant on treaty reliefs moving forward. 

Gifts to a charity can be effective from an Income Tax and IHT perspective, but the recipient will need to be to a dual-qualified charity to ensure that this is tax efficient, in both the US and the UK. Furthermore, with changes in the US relating to itemised and standard deductions, it could be that clustering charitable contributions into certain tax years would be more effective. You may also consider using a Donor Advised Fund that has a US/UK dual-qualified status. 

Moreover, if you’re a long-term UK resident, you may want to avoid making a charitable contribution directly into a US charitable trust because, depending on your circumstances, this could be a chargeable lifetime transfer and potentially subject to an immediate 20% charge (if your nil rate band has been used up). 

What should you do?

If you’re a US person in the UK who is considering making gifts or looking to reduce your exposure to UK Inheritance Tax, you should consult with our specialist tax advisers to help you set up the right plan.

Offshore Income Gains

If you’ll be paying UK tax on your worldwide income and gains, you should be aware that when you invest in non-UK collective investment funds (e.g. US mutual funds) that do not have HMRC reporting status, any gains made on the sale are charged to UK Income Tax (up to 45%) and not UK Capital Gains Tax (CGT) at 24%. Also, any loss on such an investment will be treated as a capital loss and cannot be offset against income or Offshore Income Gains. As a US taxpayer, you should be aware that non-US collective investments can be caught by the punitive PFIC regime. 

What should you do?

Be aware that investments held in the US, such as US mutual funds, that do not have UK reporting status could be taxed at rates higher than the normal 18-24% CGT rate. Get in touch with our experts to discuss the options for US/UK tax-efficient investments.

Foreign tax credits

We normally advise clients to consider making an upfront UK tax payment before 31 December, in the calendar year they receive income or realise a gain, when there has been no withholding tax or payment on account covering the relevant UK tax liability. This applies to most clients who are on a 'paid' basis for foreign tax credit purposes. 

For those clients on the 'accrued' basis, it can be efficient tax planning to time your income payments or capital transactions to take place at the start of the calendar year and before 6 April 2025. This is so that the UK tax accrues in the same US tax year for that item of income or gain, thereby ensuring the foreign tax credits are offset in the same US tax year that an item of income or gain is generated. 

What should you do?

If you claim the accrued basis for foreign tax credit purposes, you should consider timing income payments or capital transactions to take place before 6 April 2025, so that the foreign tax credit matches up with when the income or gain is declared.

Foreign Capital Loss Election (FCLE)

Under the current rules, if you formally claimed the remittance basis (i.e. when you had more than £2,000 of Foreign Income and Gains (FIG)), it is essential to review whether making an FCLE is necessary. By making an FCLE, you elected to claim relief for foreign capital losses for tax years prior to becoming UK-domiciled or deemed UK-domiciled. The FCLE is required to be made within four years of the end of the tax year in which the remittance basis was first claimed after 2007/08. 

From 6 April 2025, under the new FIG regime, the remittance basis no longer exists and those claiming under the FIG regime will automatically forfeit their entitlement to claim foreign losses in those years.  

All UK taxpayers who have been a  resident for over four years will be subject to UK tax on their worldwide income and gains (net of worldwide losses), and so the FCLE becomes generally unnecessary when the new regime starts on 6 April 2025. But there may still be some exceptional cases where an election is made in reference to a remittance claim prior to 2025-26. 

What should you do?

Review your UK residence history to determine how the new FIG regime will impact you and whether you may now benefit from foreign losses if you previously made a remittance basis claim but did not make a FCLE in time.

Key deadlines

Key deadlines

There are a number of upcoming deadlines that you may need to be aware of, but here are some of the key US and UK tax deadlines to consider over the next few months:

6 March 2025

65-day election 

A trustee may elect to treat trust distributions made during the first 65 days of the year as being made on the last day of the preceding calendar year. A foreign trust can use this election to ensure that all of the trust’s 2024 Distributable Net Income (DNI) is fully distributed so there is no build-up of Undistributed Net Income (UNI) which could otherwise be subject to the “throwback tax” regime.

The key is to complete the 2024 DNI calculations in time to determine the amount that must be distributed within the first 65 days of 2025.  Once the distributions are made, the election can then be filed accordingly.

17 March 2025

Filing deadline for 2024 Form 3520-A (Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust with US Owner). If a US owner filed on behalf of the trustee a substitute form 3520-A should be filed with their individual Income Tax return.

5 April 2025

Final day of the 2024-25 UK tax year, subject to the old Domicile and remittance rules.

15 April 2025

Individual Income Tax return filing deadline. Extension can also apply. 

Deadline for payment of 2024 US tax liability. 

First instalment of 2025 US estimated taxes due. 

Foreign Bank Account Reports (FBAR)/FinCen Form 114 – these are automatically extended to 15 October 2025. 

16 June 2025

Automatic two-month filing extension to 16 June 2025 applies to taxpayers living overseas. 

Second instalment of 2025 US estimated taxes due. 

31 July 2025

Second payment on account due for 2024/25. 

15 September 2025

Extending filing deadline for Form 3520-A (Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust with US Owner). 

Third instalment of 2025 US estimated taxes due. 

15 October 2025

Extended filing deadline for 2024 US tax return. 

15 December 2025

Last possible extended filing date for 2024 Federal Income Tax Return (subject to IRS approval). 

30 December 2025

If you have UK tax liabilities of less than £3,000, you can electronically file your tax return by this date and request that the tax be collected via a PAYE coding adjustment for the 2024/25 UK tax year. 

31 December 2025

End of the 2025 US tax year. This is the deadline for implementing any US tax year end planning, such as making an upfront UK tax payment. 

15 January 2026

Final instalment of 2025 US estimated taxes due. 

31 January 2026

2024/25 UK tax return electronic filing deadline.


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