The reason behind the changes was because of a significant increase in the number of BIK being made available to employees via salary sacrifice schemes. Under these arrangements employees agree to sacrifice an element of their salary and in return they are entitled to a range of different benefits – such as childcare vouchers or increased pension contributions.
From April 2017, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) introduced measures to limit the Income Tax and employer NIC advantages when benefits are offered under a salary sacrifice arrangement.
Following the changes introduced, there will be two calculations for calculating the value of most BIKs provided under a salary sacrifice arrangement and the amount subject to tax will be the greater of:
There are no changes to the tax or NIC’s advantages of the salary sacrifice arrangements for the following benefits:
The changes also create a transitional period and there are provisions that apply to protect the following:
As an employer you should be aware of these changes and review your current salary sacrifice arrangements to ensure they comply with the new legislation.
This article was taken from the Autumn issue of the Professional Practices Group Newsletter. Download the full newsletter below.
Buzzacott's Professional Practices Group Autumn 2017 Newsletter