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Academy Accounts Workshop

Our Academy Accounts Workshop is your go-to resource for mastering year-end academy accounts preparation.

This comprehensive five-part video series for academies and schools provides a thorough overview of academy financial reporting, accounts preparation, audit requirements, and the use of Buzzacott's specialised Excel templates for preparing statutory accounts. Presented by experts from our Charity and Not-for-Profit team, the series ensures that viewers gain the critical knowledge needed to effectively prepare their academy's accounts.

Reporting framework and the annual report

Reporting framework, the annual report and financial statements – Part one

Presented by Katharine Patel - Partner

In part one of this video, Katharine Patel, Partner and Head of our Charity and Not-for-Profit team, provides an introduction to the reporting framework for academy trusts, covering the key elements of the annual report.

  • Introduction to the reporting framework
  • The annual report: key elements
  • The trustees’ report
  • Governance statement
  • Regularity, propriety and compliance statement
Financial statements

Reporting framework, the annual report and financial statements – Part two

Presented by Katharine Patel - Partner

In part two of the Academies reporting framework, Katharine Patel examines the presentation of financial results and some of the disclosures within an academy's set of accounts.

  • Statement of Financial Activities
  • Balance sheet
  • Accounting policies
  • Notes to the accounts


Accounts preparation

Accounts preparation 

Presented by Alison Pyle - Director

Alison Pyle, Director within our Charity and Non-for-Profit team, provides an overview of academy accounts preparation.

  • Year end preparation
  • Preparing statutory accounts
  • Year end analysis
  • Examples of fund accounting
  • Funds by school
  • Financial statement disclosures
  • AAR information
Audit requirements

Audit requirements 

Presented by Matthew Hrycaiczuk - Associate Director

Matthew Hrycaiczuk, Associate Director within our Charity and Non-for-Profit team, delves into the audit requirements for academy trusts. 

  • Audit opinions
  • Information required for the audit
  • Regularity, propriety and compliance
  • Self-assessment checklist
  • Reserves
Academy accounts Excel template

Academy accounts Excel template

Presented by Gumayel Miah - Director

Gumayel Miah, Director within our Charity and Non-for-Profit team, provides an overview of our Excel academy accounts template.

  • Introduction into academy accounts excel template
  • Why use our template
  • Other benefits
  • Guide to using our template
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