Having a diverse leadership team is good for business, yet women are still facing too many obstacles. We spend a lot of time working with entrepreneurs and have advised some incredible women in founder and leadership roles, but know the balance still needs to be addressed. This is reflected in the Rose Review’s Progress Report in 2022, which found that “all-female-led incorporations now make up 20% of the total landscape” compared with 16% in 2018. We want to celebrate this progress, and be part of the force driving even further steps forward to equity.
Within the M&A industry, we want to make sure women have unhindered access to funding, networks and professional advice. To do this we're focused on working with women in leadership roles and hosting events alongside our network to help our clients strengthen a network of their own, and to provide them with the advice to unlock their business’ full potential.
A member of AllBright and a mentor of The Girls’ Network, Meera is truly dedicated to helping women and girls at every stage of their journey and uses her platform as a senior female in the industry to raise awareness and action.
As a mother and professional Anna-Louise understands that women are often juggling more than just a work calendar and ensures her advice and support is tailored to the individual. Anna-Louise is committed to enabling women to have the confidence and opportunities to achieve their potential.
Diversity of thinking and understanding will ultimately drive a better all-round M&A industry. We would love to be able to advise even more women at later stages of their growth journey to realise the value they have created, but recognise that there are still far too many obstacles at the earlier stages of establishing and building their businesses and seeking funding and advice – so we are focusing our efforts on working on wider initiatives, using the platform we are fortunate to have, to help these brilliant female founders and leaders to progress further.
We’re thrilled to have been shortlisted for three categories at the Insider South East Dealmakers Awards 2023, including a nomination for Meera Shah as Dealmaker of the Year.
We recently hosted our first joint breakfast event as part of our females at the forefront initiative, supporting women founders and leaders in business. It was an honour to host this event with founders' network Helm, celebrating female entrepreneurship. Our guest speaker was Hannah Carter, founder of OGGS, who is also a Buzzacott client.
Meera Shah and Anna-Louise Shipley have been profiled in the ICAEW's Corporate Financier. From encouraging diversity in the workplace to excelling in a male-dominated sector, Meera and Anna-Louise share their perspectives on the corporate finance workplace and their path to success.
We hold a series of event and roundtables for female entrepreneurs and women in leadership roles to share experiences and address the barriers faced by women in the workplace. We'll be announcing details of our next event soon - if you'd be interested in attending, complete the form below and we'll be in touch.